
The Economy and the Small Business

The economy is tough on small business. While Wall Street, Insurance companies, banks and auto companies can expect hundreds of billions in handouts from the Govt., unfortunately little folks like us are on our own. By little folks I mean the small businesses that employ over 60% of all US workers.

It boils my blood that CEOs from AIG and Detroit have the gall to stand in front of the congress and try to bully them to hand over our hard earned tax payer money. These folks deserve to go bankrupt. I do not see Toyota or Honda begging for a bailout. Let these over paid, over hyped and shotsighted CEOs pay the price like the rest of us. If you do not perform, you lose.

In some ways it is good that small businesses are on their own. With no Govt. bailout, small businesses have to rely on their own ingenuity and hard work to succeed in this environment. Many will fail, but those who succeed will be in an incredible position as the economy turns around.

I have a small business serving the computer needs of small businesses in Idaho. While I try to survive this difficult economic times, I am strengthened by the examples of many of my clients - small businesses trying their best to succeed. Can Web 2.0 techologies help save small busineses? Join me as I chronicle how the "real" businesses in America are fighting this recession.
